Contemporary steam bent rocking chairs
An adventure in steam bending, focusing on the design and production of rocking chairs
This is a project driven by an enthusiasm to experiment with materials and techniques, with the aim of producing useful, attractive and unique rocking chairs and tables - made possible by the Rosemary James Memorial Trust Award, administered by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland. Read moreā¦

A living tree bends and twists with the wind - the thinner the stem the more it will bend. Using steam with appropriate materials, we can bring back and even enhance this inherent flexibility to lengths of cut timber. Steam bending of timber is by no means a new technique. It has been commercially used since at least the 1840s when Michael Thonet in Germany began creating impressively conceived steam bent chairs for the mass market. However, there still remains endless opportunity for challenge and creativity for us working today, using steam to form even relatively thick timber sections into useful, curvaceous forms.